Glossary of Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms for Recipients
The following is a listing of acronyms and abbreviations that one may encounter while interacting with the Health Care Authority. This listing is only intended to be used as a resource, and may not be a comprehensive list of all terms.
A |
ABA | Applied Behavior Analysis |
ABP | Affordable Benefit Plan |
ACA | Affordable Care Act |
ACO | Accountable Community Organization |
ACS | ACS State Healthcare, formerly Affiliated Computer Services, Inc., The New Mexico Medicaid Fiscal Agent. |
ACT | Assertive Community Treatment |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADL | Activity of Daily Living |
ADRC | NM Aging & Long Term Services Department’s Aging and Disability Resource Center |
AFDC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children (now TANF) |
ARTC | Accredited Residential Treatment Center |
ASD | Administrative Services Division |
ASO | Administrative Services Organization |
AVRS | Automated Voice Response System |
B |
BCBS | Blue Cross Blue Shield |
BENDEX | Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange |
Be Well NM | NM’s Health Insurance Exchange |
BH | Behavioral Health |
BHC | Behavioral Health Collaborative |
BHO | Behavioral Health Organization |
BHPC | Behavioral Health Planning Council |
BHSC | Behavioral Health Steering Committee |
BHSD | NM Human Services Department’s Behavioral Health Services Division |
BIA | United States Bureau of Indian Affairs |
BMS | Behavioral Management Service |
BW | Bench Warrant |
C |
CAA | Community Action Agency |
CBHTR | Consortium for Behavioral Health Training and Research |
CCSS | Comprehensive Community Support Services |
Centennial Care | NM Medicaid’s Managed Care Program |
CET | Cognitive Enhancement Therapy |
CFPSW | Certified Family Peer Support Worker |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CHIP | Children’s Health Insurance Program |
CLNM | Care Link New Mexico |
CMHC | Community Mental Health Center |
CMS | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
CNA | Comprehensive Needs Assessment |
COE | Category of Eligibility |
COLA | Cost of Living Allowance |
Collaborative | NM Behavioral Health Purchasing Collaborative |
CoLTS | Coordination of Long Term Services |
Conduent | NM Medicaid’s Fiscal Agent |
County Office | NM Human Services Department County Field Offices |
CP | Custodial Parent |
CPS | NM Children, Youth and Families Department’s Child Protective Services |
CPSW | Certified Peer Support Worker |
CS | Child Support |
CSA | Core Service Agencies |
CSAT | Center for Substance Abuse Treatment |
CSBG | Community Service Block Grant |
CSED | Child Support Enforcement Division |
CSHO | Child Support Hearing Officer |
CSLA | Child Support Legal Assistant |
CSMIA | Community Spouse Maintenance Income Allowance |
CTC | Crisis Triage Center |
CYFD | Children, Youth and Families Department |
D |
D&E | Disabled and Elderly Waiver |
DD | Developmental Disabilities |
DHHS | United States Department of Health and Human Services |
DME | Durable Medical Equipment |
DOB | Date of Birth |
DOH | NM Department of Health |
DOH-CMS | NM Department of Health – Children’s Medical Services |
DWS | NM Department of Workforce Solutions |
DUR | Drug Utilization Review |
E |
EBT | Electronic Benefit Card |
ECT | Electro Convulsive Therapy |
EDIE | Emergency Department Information Exchange |
EFT | Electronic Fund Transfers |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
EITC | Earned Income Tax Credit |
EOB | Explanation of Benefits |
EOMB | Explanation of Medicare Benefits |
EPSDT | Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment |
F |
FDPIR | United States Department of Agriculture Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations |
FFS | Fee For Service (not under managed care) |
FHB | Fair Hearings Bureau |
FIT | NM Department of Health’s Family, Infant, Toddler program |
FNS | United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level guidelines |
FQHC | Federally Qualified Health Center |
G |
GA | General Assistance |
GH | Group Home |
H |
HCBW | Home & Community Based Waivers |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration |
HSD | NM Human Services Department |
HUMAD | Help Us Make a Decision form |
I |
iCare | Intensive Case management, Recovery and Employment program |
ICF | Intermediate Care Facility |
ICF/IIS | Intermediate Care Facility/Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
IEP | Individual Education Plan |
IHS | United States Indian Health Services |
IOP | Intensive Outpatient Program |
IPRA | NM Inspection of Public Records Act |
IRU | Incapacity Review Unit |
ISD | NM Human Services Department’s Income Support Division |
ISP | Individual Service Plan |
ITD | NM Human Services Department’s Information Technology Division |
J |
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K |
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L |
LIHEAP | Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program |
LOC | Level of Care |
LTC | Long Term Care |
M |
MAC | Medicaid Advisory Committee |
MAD | NM Human Services Department’s Medical Assistance Division |
MAGI | Modified Adjusted Growth Income |
MAT | Medication Assisted Treatment |
MCO | Managed Care Organization |
MEPP | Motion to Establish a Payment Plan |
MF | Medically Fragile |
MH | Mental Health |
MHBG | Mental Health Block Grant |
MHC | Molina Health Care |
MMOD | Motion for Modification |
MSBS | Medicaid School-Based Services |
MST | Multi-Systematic Therapy |
N |
NCP | Non-Custodial Parent |
NF | Nursing Facility |
NFLOC | Nursing Facility Level of Care |
NMAC | New Mexico Administrative Code |
NMBIRC | NM Brain Injury Resource Center |
NMCAL | NM Crisis and Access Line |
NMCBBHP | New Mexico Credentialing Board for Behavioral Health Professionals |
NMHIX | NM Health Insurance Exchange |
NMICSS | New Mexico Independent Consumer Support System |
NMNOC | New Mexico Network of Care |
NMWorks | New Mexico Works Program for cash assistance (also known as TANF) |
NOCA | Notice of Case Action |
NPP | Notice of Privacy Practices |
O |
OASDI | Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance |
OCR | Office of Civil Rights |
OGC | NM Human Services Department’s Office of General Counsel |
OHR | NM Human Services Department’s Office of Human Resources |
OIG | NM Human Services Department”s Office of Inspector General |
OOS | NM Human Services Department”s Office of the Secretary |
OPRE | Office of Peer Recovery and Engagement |
OTP | Opiate Treatment Provider |
P |
PA | Prior Authorization |
PACE | Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly |
PASRR | Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review |
PCMH | Patient Centered Medical Home |
PCN | Primary Care Network |
PCO | Personal Care Option |
PCP | Primary Care Physician |
PE | Presumptive Eligibility |
PED | Presumptive Eligibility Determiner |
PHP | Presbyterian Health Plan |
PHS | Presbyterian Healthcare Services |
PTOT | Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy |
Q |
QD | Qualified Disabled Working Individual |
QI | Qualified Individuals |
QMB | Qualified Medicare Beneficiary |
R |
RRP | Refugee Resettlement Program |
RTC | Residential Treatment Center |
S |
SABG | Substance Abuse Block Grant |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration |
SBHC | School-Based Health Center/MCO Pilot Project |
SDCB | Self-Directed Community Benefit |
SDU | State Disbursement Unit |
SED | Serious Emotional Disturbance |
SLIMB | Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiary |
SMI | Serious Mental Illness |
SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility |
SOTA | State Opiate Treatment Authority |
SPA | State Plan Amendment |
SSA | United States Social Security Administration |
SSDI | Social Security Disability Insurance (Federal) |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
SSN | Social Security Number |
STI | Sexually Transmitted Infection |
STD | Sexually Transmitted Disease |
SUD | Substance Use Disorder |
T |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TEFAP | The Emergency Food Assistance Program |
TPA | Third Party Assessor |
TPL | Third Party Liability |
TFC | Treatment for Foster Care |
TLS | Transitional Living Service |
U |
UHC | UnitedHealthcare |
UIFSA | Uniform Interstate Family Support Act |
UR | Utilization Review |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
V |
VAS | Value-Added Services |
W |
WDI | Working Disabled Individual Program |
WWH | Wage Withholding |
X |
No entries | |
Y |
YesNM | Your Eligibility System NM (on-line benefit application system) |
Z |
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