
New Mexico Human Services Department Performance Scorecard

HSD’s programs serve more than 1 million New Mexicans; and, with a Fiscal Year 2021 budget of $7,560,018,800, the department makes budgetary and policy decisions that have long-term effects on both state spending and its customers. As a result, HSD is deeply committed to incorporating principles of evidence-based governance, using data to drive decision making to achieve optimal results aligned to strategic priorities. As stewards of New Mexicans’ tax dollars, HSD staff and leaders have a responsibility to use data in the delivery and monitoring of high-quality health and human services programs, and to be transparent about (and held accountable to) its performance.

The HSD Performance Scorecard is a strategic management tool used to identify and improve various internal business functions and their resulting outcomes, and provide feedback to key stakeholders, including HSD customers and the public. It is designed to help answer the most common questions New Mexicans may have about the Human Services Department. Individuals can use the Scorecard to choose a Medicaid Managed Care Organization that best meets their needs, or to determine how quickly they can apply for and get benefits via several different routes. Some of the metrics show opportunities for improvement; and, ultimately, the Scorecard shows what HSD is doing and how well the Department is performing.

The Pew Foundation has published extensive data on evidence-based policy making, outlining five key components that each require evidence, and the Scorecard supports the Department in all these areas:

  1. Program assessment: review public programs to understand their evidence base.
  2. Budget development: use evidence of program effectiveness in budget processes to make more informed investment choices.
  3. Implementation oversight: support effective implementation to ensure the benefits of evidence-based programs are achieved.
  4. Outcome monitoring: measure and report outcome data to determine whether programs or priorities are achieving desired results.
  5. Targeted evaluation: support impact evaluations of select public programs to learn what works.

The HSD Performance Scorecard is designed to: 

  • Promote greater intra-departmental communication and accountability ;
  • Maintain strategic focus ; 
  • Determine what is critical to measure; 
  • Implement changes and measure outcomes; and, 
  • Tell HSD’s story accurately, consistently.

With a total of 31 measures, the Scorecard categorizes measures among the four goals outlined in the HSD Strategic Plan:

  1. Improve the value and range of services we provide to ensure that every qualified New Mexican receives timely and accurate benefits.
  2. Create effective, transparent communication to enhance the public trust.
  3. Successfully implement technology to give customers and staff the best and most convenient access to services and information.
  4. Promote an environment of mutual respect, trust and open communication to grow and reach our professional goals.

Each measure includes the following:

  • Graph with measure name, legend, description of x and y axes, and data values
  • Description of the measure
  • Reporting frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually)
  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Target, if applicable
  • Data source
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