The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.
- Looking for Assistance
- Emergency Contact Information
- Ruidoso Evacuation Assistance
- Field Offices
- Apply For Benefits
- Health Coverage
- Food Assistance
- Income Support
- Child Support Overview
- NM Child Support Online Portal
- Custodial Parents
- Non-Custodial Parents Overview
- Employers Overview
- Applications for Child Support Services and Information
- Fresh Start Arrears Management Program
- Step Up Program
- Bench Warrant Program
- Contact Us & Events
- Enforcement Remedies
- Child Support Field Offices
- Requesting a Modification
- Developmental Disabilities Supports Division
- Office of Constituent Support
- Councils and Committees
- Individual Safety and Advocacy
- Pre-Service Intake Bureau
- Waiver Programs and Services
- Developmental Disabilities Waiver
- Mi Via Self-Directed Waiver
- Medically Fragile Waiver
- Supports Waiver
- Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID)
- Autism
- Behavioral Support Services
- Clinical Services
- Community Inclusion
- Enabling Technology
- Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review
- Provider Selection
- State General Funded Services
- Provider Enrollment & Relations
- Regional Offices
- Training & Knowledge Management
- Director’s Office
- Division of Health Improvement
- Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation
- Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program
- Certified Nurse Aide Registry
- Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver Programs
- Incident Management Bureau
- Informal Reconsideration of Findings
- Quality Management Bureau
- Division of Health Improvement Director’s Office
- Health Facility Licensing and Certification
- Program Operations Bureau
- Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act
- Federal Certification for a Health Facility
- Health Facility Dispute Resolution Process
- Health Facility Provider Search
- Health Facility Regulations
- Health Facility Licensing and Certification
- Certified Nurse Aide Registry
- Program Operations Bureau – Publications
- Program Operations Bureau – Resources
- District Operations Bureau
- License Oversight Bureau
- Program Operations Bureau
- Build Your Future Overview
- Report Fraud
- Public Charge Rule
- COVID-19 Response
- SUN Bucks
- New Mexico Economic Relief Payment 2023
- Contact HCA
Division of Health Improvement
The Division of Health Improvement (DHI) is the regulatory entity providing compliance oversight for the following areas.
- Health Facility Licensing and Certification licenses health facilities such as: Acute and Continuing care, long-term care, assisted living home care and hospice, free standing birth centers, community mental health centers and other facilities.
- Community-Based Programs for the Developmental Disabilities Waiver, Medically Fragile Waiver and the Mi Via Waiver.
- Conducts investigations of Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation for licensed health facilities and home and community-based Medicaid waiver programs.
- Operates the Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program (CCHSP) which provides criminal background checks on potential caregivers.
- Operates the Employee Abuse Registry (EAR) also known as, the Consolidated Online Employee Abuse Registry (COR) which provides background checks for all caregivers, ensuring they have not been disqualified by a substantiated case of ANE. Individuals placed on the EAR are not eligible for hire as caregivers.
- Operates the Certified Nurse Aide Registry (NAR) and Training program.
- Certifies all clinical laboratories operating in New Mexico meet health and safety requirements.
What are you looking for today? DHI FAQs:
- How do I report Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation? Or file a complaint against a health facility?
- How do I get a caregiver background check?
- What is the Employee Abuse Registry?
- How do I become a CNA in New Mexico?
- How do I Health Facility Licensing and Certification in New Mexico?
- What is the CLIA Program?
- Where do I find survey reports on health facilities compliance?
- Where do I find survey reports on DDW and community-based waiver provider agencies?
- Where do I find information on how to request an Informal Dispute Resolution on a health facility citation?
Special Announcement regarding Background Checks:
The New Mexico Department of Public Safety will be transitioning to a new fingerprint supported background checks provider, IDEMIA, effective May 1, 2023. Electronic fingerprinting can still be completed with Gemalto through the end of the day April 28, 2023. Effective immediately, please mail hard copy fingerprint cards to:
IndentoGo Cardscan Department: New Mexico Program
340 Seven Springs Way, Suite 250
Brentwood, TN 37027
Additional information is available at Caregivers Criminal History Screening.
Background Checks for Community Based Waiver Service Providers and Support Caregivers
Effective January 1, 2022, via this notice, all new hired “caregiver” employees of licensed health facilities and home and community-based Medicaid waiver programs who are defined as a “caregiver” (see 29-17-4 NMSA and NMAC) and hired on or after January 1, 2022, shall be in compliance with 29-17-2 et seq and 7.1.12 NMAC and complete a background check at time of hire.
See memo Background Check Supplement for complete details regarding background checks for caregivers hired between April 1, 2020 and December 31, 2021 Any caregiver hired during the public health emergency and has not had a fingerprint background check must come into compliance by March 31, 2022.
Enforcement Activities
DHI enforcement activities include:
- Surveys — Conducting health & safety surveys for both health facilities and community based waiver programs.
- Visit the Health Facility Provider Search page to search the licensed healthcare facility survey reports.
- Visit the Developmental Disabilities Waiver Survey Unit, Medically Fragile Waiver Survey Unit and Mi Via Self-Directed Waiver Survey Unit pages to view completed surveys and past performance of providers.
- Investigations — Conducting investigations of alleged Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation, suspicious or unknown injures, death or environmental hazards in waiver programs and health facilities.
- Compliance — Ensuring caregivers have required Background Checks and screenings, and ensuring compliance with other statutes, rules and regulations.
Health facilities and community based waiver programs found out of compliance may be subject to civil monetary penalties or other sanctions as authorized by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or state law.
Voting Rights for Long Term Care Residents
Organizational Structure
The Division of Health Improvement consists of staff members located in 4 field offices across New Mexico with a central office in Santa Fe. Our staff have a variety of professional and educational backgrounds and experiences. Many are licensed as psychologists, nurses, physicians, life safety code engineers, architects, social workers and other related fields, who hold bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. We are organized into the following three areas.
- Health Facility Licensing and Certification – Consists of District Operations which conducts surveys of Certified Long-term Care health facilities, Program Operations which administers the facility licenses and conducts surveys of acute and continuing care health facilities and the Licensed Oversight bureau which conducts surveys of state licensed only facilities such as, assisted living facilities or boarding homes.
- Home and Community Based Waiver Programs – Consists of Incident Management and Quality Management.
- Director’s Office – Consists of DHI Administrative Services, Human Resources and the Office of Policy, Planning & Performance Improvement.
Please see the Human Resources section of our website for a list of Job Opportunities with Division of Health Improvement and obtain our latest organizational chart.
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Has your health facility recently been surveyed by the Division of Health Improvement? If so, we would like to know how we performed.
- Health Facility Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Community-Based Waiver Provider Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Incident Management Bureau — Please send IMB customer feedback directly to Teri Cotter.
Please visit the Regulations page for a complete listing of the rules and regulations which govern the majority of what we do.
New Emergency Rule and Pending Regulations
The Health Care Authority Division of Health Improvement is issuing a temporary emergency rule to amend 8.370.8 NMAC section 11, Severity Standard. It updates and clarifies the standards for caregiver offenses that can be referred for placement on the Employee Abuse Registry. This emergency rule is effective on February 11, 2025. the emergency amendment can also be found on the State Records Center and Archives registry volume XXXVI issue 4 publication date 2/25/2025.
DHI has repealed and replaced the Health Facility Licensure Fees and Procedures NMAC 8.370.3. The replacement rule can be found on the State Records Center and Archives registry Volume XXXVI Issue 2, Publication date 1/28/2025, effective date 1/28/2025.
DHI has amended the Caregivers and Hospital Caregivers Screening Requirements NMAC 8.370.5 sections 8 and 9. The revised amendments can be found on the State Records Center and Archives registry Volume XXXVI Issue 2, Publication date 1/28/2025 effective date 1/28/2025.
Be sure to visit our Regulations page to view recent updates made to existing rules.
Notice of Public Hearing
The New Mexico Health Care Authority Division of Health Improvement is finalizing repeal and replacement of the rule 8.370.14 Assisted Living Facilities for Adults. These regulations apply to any assisted living facility for adults as defined by Subsection D of 24-1-2 NMSA 1978, as amended, which is licensed or is required to be licensed, which is operated for the maintenance or care of two or more adults who need or desire assistance with one or more activities of daily living. The purpose of these regulations is to update and clarify the requirements to current standards of care and practice.
This is a repeal and replacement of the NMAC requirements for Assisted Living Facilities for Adults.
A public hearing to receive testimony on this proposed rule will be held on April 16th, 2025 at 11:00 am, in the Hozho conference room #109, 5300 Homestead Rd. NE, Albuquerque NM 87110
The public hearing will be a Hybrid, via Zoom as well as in person, pursuant to Section 14-4-5.6 NMSA 1978.
Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar!
When: Apr 16, 2025 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Topic: My WebinarHearing – Repeal and Replacement of rule 8.370.14 Assisted Living Facilities for Adults
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All written comment may be dropped off during the scheduled hearing time (see above) at the Division of Health Improvement offices, at the Hozho conference room #109, 5300 Homestead Rd. NE, Albuquerque NM 87110.
Individuals wishing to testify may contact the Division of Health Improvement (DHI), P.O. Box H, Santa Fe, NM 87504, or by calling (505) 476-9093.
Individuals who do not wish to attend the hearing may submit written or recorded comments. Written or recorded comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the date of the hearing, 4/16/2025. Please send comments to: Division of Health Improvement P.O. Box H Santa Fe, NM 87504, Recorded comments may be left at (505) 476-9093. You may send comments via email to: dan.lanari@hca.nm.gov . Written and recorded comments will be posted to the agency’s website within 3 days of receipt. All comments will be given the same consideration as oral testimony made at the public hearing.
If you are a person with a disability and you require this information in an alternative format, or you require a special accommodation to participate in any HSD public hearing, program, or service, please contact the American Disabilities Act Coordinator, at Office-505-709-5468, Fax-505-827-6286 or through the New Mexico Relay system, toll free at #711. The Department requests at least a 10-day advance notice to provide requested alternative formats and special accommodations.
Community Programs
IMB Reporting Guidelines and Forms:
- Community Programs ANE Reporting Guide for SFY21 (English version)
- Community Program ANE Reporting Guide (Abuso, Negligencia y Explotación Información Guía)
- Community Program ANE Reporting Form
- Immediate Action Safety Plan
- Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Reporting Poster for Community Programs
- NMAC 8.370.10 — ANE and death reporting, training, and related requirements for community providers
Community Provider Survey Report of Findings
- Living Care Arrangements, Community Inclusion (Customized Community Supports & Employment Services) Report of Findings
- Case Management Services Report of Findings
- Medically Fragile Waiver Survey Unit Report of Findings
- Mi Via Self-Directed Waiver Survey Unit Report of Findings
Field Tools
Please visit the Field Tools page to explore the various field tools such as Case Management, Living Care and Arrangements, and Community Inclusion.
ANE Training for Community Providers
Licensed Health Facilities
- Health Facility Consumer Complaint Form — Fax number and mailing address are in the form.
- Health Facility Reporting System
- Incident Management System Guide for all Licensed Health Care Facilities SFY2023
- Health Facility Consumer Complaint Form
- Health Facility Complaint Investigation Five Day Follow-up Report Form
- Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Reporting Poster for Health Facilities
- Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Reporting Tribal Phone Numbers
- NMAC 8.370.9 — Incident Reporting, Intake, Processing & Training Requirements for Facilities
Search Licensed Health Facilities Survey Report of Findings
Search Medicare Nursing Home Compare
Nursing Home Compare provides details on nursing homes across the country. This includes nursing home inspection results, staffing levels, enforcement actions that the federal government have taken against the nursing homes and how well nursing home residents were treated in specific areas of care.