Glossary of Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms for Recipients

The following is a listing of acronyms and abbreviations that one may encounter while interacting with the Human Services Department. This listing is only intended to be used as a resource, and may not be a comprehensive list of all terms.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



ABA Applied Behavior Analysis
ABP Affordable Benefit Plan
ACA Affordable Care Act
ACO Accountable Community Organization
ACS ACS State Healthcare, formerly Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.,  The New Mexico Medicaid Fiscal Agent.
ACT Assertive Community Treatment
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
ADL Activity of Daily Living
ADRC NM Aging & Long Term Services Department’s Aging and Disability Resource Center
AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children (now TANF)
ARTC Accredited Residential Treatment Center
ASD Administrative Services Division
ASO Administrative Services Organization
AVRS Automated Voice Response System


BCBS Blue Cross Blue Shield
BENDEX Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange
Be Well NM NM’s Health Insurance Exchange
BH Behavioral Health
BHC Behavioral Health Collaborative
BHO Behavioral Health Organization
BHPC Behavioral Health Planning Council
BHSC Behavioral Health Steering Committee
BHSD NM Human Services Department’s Behavioral Health Services Division
BIA United States Bureau of Indian Affairs
BMS Behavioral Management Service
BW Bench Warrant


CAA Community Action Agency
CBHTR Consortium for Behavioral Health Training and Research
CCSS Comprehensive Community Support Services
Centennial Care NM Medicaid’s Managed Care Program
CET Cognitive Enhancement Therapy
CFPSW Certified Family Peer Support Worker
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHIP Children’s Health Insurance Program
CLNM Care Link New Mexico
CMHC Community Mental Health Center
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
CNA Comprehensive Needs Assessment
COE Category of Eligibility
COLA Cost of Living Allowance
Collaborative NM Behavioral Health Purchasing Collaborative
CoLTS Coordination of Long Term Services
Conduent NM Medicaid’s Fiscal Agent
County Office NM Human Services Department County Field Offices
CP Custodial Parent
CPS NM Children, Youth and Families Department’s Child Protective Services
CPSW Certified Peer Support Worker
CS Child Support
CSA Core Service Agencies
CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
CSBG Community Service Block Grant
CSED Child Support Enforcement Division
CSHO Child Support Hearing Officer
CSLA Child Support Legal Assistant
CSMIA Community Spouse Maintenance Income Allowance
CTC Crisis Triage Center
CYFD Children, Youth and Families Department


D&E Disabled and Elderly Waiver
DD Developmental Disabilities
DHHS United States Department of Health and Human Services
DME Durable Medical Equipment
DOB Date of Birth
DOH NM Department of Health
DOH-CMS NM Department of Health – Children’s Medical Services
DWS NM Department of Workforce Solutions
DUR Drug Utilization Review


EBT Electronic Benefit Card
ECT Electro Convulsive Therapy
EDIE Emergency Department Information Exchange
EFT Electronic Fund Transfers
EHR Electronic Health Record
EITC Earned Income Tax Credit
EOB Explanation of Benefits
EOMB Explanation of Medicare Benefits
EPSDT Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment


FDPIR United States Department of Agriculture Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
FFS Fee For Service (not under managed care)
FHB Fair Hearings Bureau
FIT NM Department of Health’s Family, Infant, Toddler program
FNS United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service
FPL Federal Poverty Level guidelines
FQHC Federally Qualified Health Center


GA General Assistance
GH Group Home


HCBW Home & Community Based Waivers
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration
HSD NM Human Services Department
HUMAD Help Us Make a Decision form


iCare Intensive Case management, Recovery and Employment program
ICF Intermediate Care Facility
ICF/IIS Intermediate Care Facility/Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
IEP Individual Education Plan
IHS United States Indian Health Services
IOP Intensive Outpatient Program
IPRA NM Inspection of Public Records Act
IRU Incapacity Review Unit
ISD NM Human Services Department’s Income Support Division
ISP Individual Service Plan
ITD NM Human Services Department’s Information Technology Division


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LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
LOC Level of Care
LTC Long Term Care


MAC Medicaid Advisory Committee
MAD NM Human Services Department’s Medical Assistance Division
MAGI Modified Adjusted Growth Income
MAT Medication Assisted Treatment
MCO Managed Care Organization
MEPP Motion to Establish a Payment Plan
MF Medically Fragile
MH Mental Health
MHBG Mental Health Block Grant
MHC Molina Health Care
MMOD Motion for Modification
MSBS Medicaid School-Based Services
MST Multi-Systematic Therapy


NCP Non-Custodial Parent
NF Nursing Facility
NFLOC Nursing Facility Level of Care
NMAC New Mexico Administrative Code
NMBIRC NM Brain Injury Resource Center
NMCAL NM Crisis and Access Line
NMCBBHP New Mexico Credentialing Board for Behavioral Health Professionals
NMHIX NM Health Insurance Exchange
NMICSS New Mexico Independent Consumer Support System
NMNOC New Mexico Network of Care
NMWorks New Mexico Works Program for cash assistance (also known as TANF)
NOCA Notice of Case Action
NPP Notice of Privacy Practices


OASDI Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
OCR Office of Civil Rights
OGC NM Human Services Department’s Office of General Counsel
OHR NM Human Services Department’s Office of Human Resources
OIG NM Human Services Department”s Office of Inspector General
OOS NM Human Services Department”s Office of the Secretary
OPRE Office of Peer Recovery and Engagement
OTP Opiate Treatment Provider


PA Prior Authorization
PACE Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PASRR Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review
PCMH Patient Centered Medical Home
PCN Primary Care Network
PCO Personal Care Option
PCP Primary Care Physician
PE Presumptive Eligibility
PED Presumptive Eligibility Determiner
PHP Presbyterian Health Plan
PHS Presbyterian Healthcare Services
PTOT Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy


QD Qualified Disabled Working Individual
QI Qualified Individuals
QMB Qualified Medicare Beneficiary


RRP Refugee Resettlement Program
RTC Residential Treatment Center


SABG Substance Abuse Block Grant
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SBHC School-Based Health Center/MCO Pilot Project
SDCB Self-Directed Community Benefit
SDU State Disbursement Unit
SED Serious Emotional Disturbance
SLIMB Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiary
SMI Serious Mental Illness
SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
SOTA State Opiate Treatment Authority
SPA State Plan Amendment
SSA United States Social Security Administration
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance (Federal)
SSI Supplemental Security Income
SSN Social Security Number
STI Sexually Transmitted Infection
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
SUD Substance Use Disorder


TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
TEFAP The Emergency Food Assistance Program
TPA Third Party Assessor
TPL Third Party Liability
TFC Treatment for Foster Care
TLS Transitional Living Service


UHC UnitedHealthcare
UIFSA Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
UR Utilization Review
USDA United States Department of Agriculture


VAS Value-Added Services


WDI Working Disabled Individual Program
WWH Wage Withholding


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YesNM Your Eligibility System NM (on-line benefit application system)


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