The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.

For Brain Injury Program

Critical Incident Report for Brain Injury Services Fund Program

Critical Incident Reporting

You can find the HSD Critical Incident Reporting System here.

The Human Services Dept/Medical Assistance Division/Quality Bureau (HSD/MAD/QB) Incident Management System describes the statewide reporting requirements for all incidents involving recipients served under Centennial Care-funded Home and Community Based Service programs.

Community agencies providing Home and Community Based Services are required to report critical incidents to the State.

Home & Community Based Services include Personal Care services (PCO) and Self-Directed benefit services in addition to other services.  All allegations of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of a recipient must be reported, as well as any incidents involving Emergency Services, Hospitalization, the Death of a recipient, the involvement of Law Enforcement, any Environmental Hazards that compromise the health and safety of a recipient, and any Elopement or Missing recipient.

Incident management principles

  • All adults and children receiving Centennial Care Home and Community Based Services should be able to enjoy a quality of life that is free of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
  • Direct staff providing services and the agencies that employee them must receive initial and ongoing training to be competent to respond to, report, and document incidents, in a timely and accurate manner
  • Recipients, legal representatives, and guardians must be made aware of and have available incident reporting processes
  • Any individual who, in good faith, reports an incident or makes an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation will be free from any form of retaliation.
  • Quality starts with those who work most closely with persons receiving services.

For questions email

Helpful Documents

Behavioral Health Critical Incident Reporting Provider Training

2023 Centennial Care Critical Incident Reporting Personal Care Services

Critical Incident Report Protocol

Critical Incident Report Form

Critical Incident Report Form Filing Instructions