We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.

Unique HCA Customers

The Health Care Authority provides services and benefits to 978,963 New Mexicans through several programs including: the Medicaid Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Child Support Program, and several Behavioral Health Services.

HSD Customers

Source: New Mexico Health Care Authority, Income Support Division. Notes: (1) This report is a snapshot of the data as it existed when it was extracted. (2) Some data has 0 or NULL values for SSNs. These are counted by their internal IDs. It is possible that there is some overlap with the other programs that cannot be determined. There are also some SSNs that are unlikely to produce matches (e.g. all 9s, all 6s, preceded by ‘###’). (3) LIHEAP counts are based on program usage over a year. (4) Participant’s county is determined from physical address. If that is not available, mailing address is used. If neither is available, zip code of the case office is used. The office zip was used for 125,286 participants. (5) Participants include non-custodial parents paying child support through the CSED system. Custodial parents and dependent children are counted separately. (6) Participants are classified as Unknown when there is conflicting zip code information.