Health Insurance Exchange Overview

Below are the archives for documents, audio files, presentations, FAQs, and other material related to the Health Insurance Exchange, including meetings of the Exchange Advisory Task Force and Work Groups.

If you have question or would like more information, please visit the Health Insurance Exchange website.. 

Archived Documents


Declaration Letter from Governor Martinez

Attestation of Cabinet Secretary Squier

General Counsel Certification Letter

Qualified Health Plan Certification Process

Statutory Authority to Perform Certification of QHPs and Oversee Issuers

Blueprint Evidence Document, Submitted to CCIIO – Dec. 2012

Section 1.0 – Notes

Section 2.0 – Notes

Section 3.0 – Notes

Section 4.0 – Notes

Section 5.0 – Notes

Section 6.0 – Notes

Section 7.0 – Notes

Section 8.0 – Notes

Section 9.0 – Notes

Section 10.0 – Notes

Section 11.0 – Notes

Section 12.0 – Notes

Health Insurance Alliance/ Health Insurance Exchange

HIA Financial Operations Manager Job Description – March 2011

NMAC, HIA Plan of Operation and Eligibility Criteria – 03.10.11

HIA Financial Statements Audit, 12.31.11

DOI Order to Amend HIA Plan of Operation and Eligibility Criteria, 01.13.12.

HIA Executive Director Job Description – March 2012

HIA Finance Committee Board Report – 09.17.12

HIA Marketing Committee Board Report, 09.21.12

HIA Business Assessment and Evaluation submitted to HHS CMS – 10.23.12

HIX IT RFP 11.02.12

Proposed HIX Organizational Chart

HIA Employee Handbook

NMSA 1978, 59A-56-1 et seq. Health Insurance Alliance Act (HIAA)

Carrier Appeal Process

The State of New Mexico

Evaluation of Solvency, Accreditation, Network Adequacy, and Rate Review

Executive Order #2005-004

HSD State-Tribal Consultation Policy

SB 196, State-Tribal Collaboration


ACA Brochure

In-Depth Interviews with Stakeholders – Summaries

Key SHOP Questions and Answers prepared for Planning Review

Outreach Education Adoption Enrollment work group recommendations to ATF, 09.26.12.pdf

Stakeholder Interview Highlights